
(Rachael Stowe)

Character sheet for 5th Edition HERO System™ (Champions)

80 STR 70
23 DEX 39
18 CON 16
13 BODY 6
13 INT 3
11 EGO 2
20 PRE 10
8 COM -1
25 PD 9
20 ED 16
4 SPD 7
20 REC
36 END
Total cost 177
Skills, Perks, and Powers
costSkill, Perk, or Powerroll
Always 2.7 meters tall and 400 kg:
2     +1" Running
4      -2" Knockback Resistance
12Damage Resistance: 15 PD, 10 ED
1Weapon Familiarity: rifles
6 +2 Combat Skill Levels with punches/haymakers
25 Total cost of Skills, Perks, and Powers
Running: 7", 14" noncombat
Swimming: 2", 4" noncombat
OCV: 8
DCV: 7
ECV: 4
     Total Points: 177 + 25 = 202
Experience Points Spent: 2

15Public Identity
15 Always 2.7 meters tall and 400 kg
(-1 DCV, +1 to others' PER rolls,
-2" Leaping)
15 Distinctive Features: big and wooden
(not concealable, noticed)
201½x STUN and BODY from fire
15No genitals
20 Hunted by T.H.E.M. (8 or less)
100Disadvantages Total
  Rachael Stowe was an agent in the Perpetual Army of The Harbingers of Eternal Mankind (T.H.E.M.) who "volunteered" for a mind transplant experiment.  When she awoke in an oversized robot-like wooden body, she fled her now-former employers, barely escaping by the skin of her roots.  T.H.E.M. has been trying to retrieve her ever since.

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