The Tallest Man in the World

Character sheet for 5th Edition HERO System™ (Champions)

70 STR 60
11 DEX 3
48 CON 76
34 BODY 48
10 INT
10 EGO
50 PRE 40
10 COM
14 PD
20 ED 10
4 SPD 19
30 REC 12
100 END 2
50 STUN -43
Total cost 227
Skills, Perks, and Powers
costSkill, Perk, or Powerroll
Always 32m tall and 400 tons:
22      +11" Running
24      -12" Knockback Resistance
36      8" Stretching, Inherent, AO, reach only
82 Total cost of Skills, Perks, and Powers
Running: 17", 34" noncombat
Swimming: 2", 4" noncombat
OCV: 4
DCV: -4
ECV: 3
     Total Points: 227 + 82 = 309
Experience Points Spent: 0

15Public Identity
25 Always 16" tall and 400 tons
(-8 DCV, -12" Leaping,
+8 to others' PER rolls)
20 Hunted by Super Chicken
(and Fred) 8 or less
5 Distinctive Features: 100 ft. top
hat (easily concealable, noticed)
20Mind Controlled thru his top hat
124Villain Bonus
209Disadvantages Total
Drawing of the Tallest Man in the World

This character came from a Super Chicken dream I had when I was a wee lad of 8 or 9. He looks like a 100-foot-tall version of Bluto. With a 100-foot-tall black top hat. (Note: In true Disney-esque fashion, the dream ended with everybody singing a song together, the Tallest Man in the World trading in his enormous top hat for a multicolored beanie cap (which gave him a striking resemblance to the giant in Mickey and the Beanstalk), and everyone living happily ever after.)

Main Champions® webpage | Roger M. Wilcox's homepage