Hay Man!

(Steve Mendelsohn)

Character sheet for 5th Edition HERO System™ (Champions)

60 STR 50
20 DEX 30
23 CON 26
14 BODY 8
8 INT -2
11 EGO 2
15 PRE 5
10 COM
25 PD 13
25 ED 20
5 SPD 20
17 REC
46 END
Total cost 172
Skills, Perks, and Powers
costSkill, Perk, or Powerroll
25Damage Resistance: 25 PD, 25 ED
2211" Flight, 22" noncombat2
47 Total cost of Skills, Perks, and Powers
Running: 6", 12" noncombat
Swimming: 2", 4" noncombat
OCV: 7
DCV: 7
ECV: 4
     Total Points: 172 + 47 = 219
Experience Points Spent: 4

15Secret Identity: white dude
25Hunted by the K.K.K. (11 or less)
20Hunted by V.I.L.L.A.I.N.S. (8 or less)
202x STUN and BODY from radiation
15DNPC: Left Lane (N, 11 or less)
102d6 Unluck
115Disadvantages Total
  Steve Mendelsohn was a member of the Ku Klux Klan until, one day, he was bombarded by radioactive hay.  This gave him the powers of a cliché superhero, and also turned him into a black man!  He disguises himself to look like his former caucasian self when in his secret identity.

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