by Roger M. Wilcox

Last modified 12-November-2015
Last updated in any meaningful way May 24, 2000


  1. What is Logan's Run?
  2. Okay, then, what are Logan's Run?
  3. What do all these Logan's Runs have in common?
  4. I've never seen the book.  How can I get it?
  5. What are the differences between the book and the movie?
  6. What are the differences between the book and the TV series?
  7. So, what are the differences between the movie and the TV series, then?
  8. Was the movie really filmed in a shopping mall?
  9. Why was the movie so darned long?
  10. So, then, what scenes were cut?
  11. What mistakes were made in the movie?
  12. Where else have I seen Michael York?
  13. Where else have I seen Richard Jordan?
  14. Where else have I seen Jenny Agutter?
  15. The music in the movie sure sounded great!
  16. Are there any trinkets or memorabilia surrounding the movie?
  17. Will you show me the episode guide for the TV series?
  18. How do I get copies of the TV series episodes?
  19. So, tell me about this first comic book series.
  20. Were/are there any Logan's Run fan clubs?
  21. What's in the Logan's Run Special Edition laserdisc?
  22. What's all this fuss I hear about a remake of the movie?
  23. All right, where are the other Logan's Run web pages?
  24. Surely there are more Frequently Asked Questions than just these?

1) What is Logan's Run?

Logan's Run is not one, but five pieces of science fiction all bearing the same name in different media.  A better question would be, "What ARE Logan's Run?".

2) Okay, then, what are Logan's Run?

The five loosely-connected things called Logan's Run are:

  1. A novel by William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson, written in the mid-1960s.  (A note in the original 1966-67 edition says "Soon to be a major motion picture".)  Nolan later wrote two sequels, Logan's World and Logan's Search.
  2. A movie produced by Saul David at MGM studios, starring Michael York, Jenny Agutter, Richard Jordan, and Peter Ustinov, with a titillating guest appearance by Farrah Fawcett-Majors, made in 1976.  This is what most folks first think of when somebody mentions Logan's Run.
  3. A television series on CBS, starring Gregory Harrison, that ran for one season in the fall/winter of 1977-78.
  4. A Marvel Comics comic book series based on the movie, which started its run within a year of the movie's release.
  5. A six-issue black-and-white comic book series based on the BOOK, drawn by Barry Blair and released by Malibu Graphics, which ran in the early 1990s.  (Malibu Graphics also bought thr rights to do comic serieses based on Logan's World and Logan's SearchLogan's World had a complete six-issue run, but Logan's Search was never done.)

3) What do all these Logan's Runs have in common?

They all take place on a future Earth where all (or nearly all) members of the society in question are to end their lives while they are still young. Those who fail to voluntarily end their lives by the appointed age become "runners" who are hunted down and killed by police-like enforcement officers called Sandmen.  In all three media, the character Logan, who is himself a Sandman, joins up with a woman named Jessica 6 and eventually becomes a runner himself.

4) I've never seen the book.  How can I get it?

Cameron Nolan (yes, the same Nolan as William F.) says the following regarding Logan's Run, Logan's World, and Logan's Search:

"I checked with Paul Kennedy, the bookseller who has all the copies of the LOGAN TRILOGY, and here's the accurate, up-to-date info:

Price: $25.00 (includes shipping and handling)

Credit Cards Accepted: Mastercard, Visa, and American Express

Paul Kennedy's e-mail address:"

5) What are the differences between the book and the movie?

IN THE BOOK                             IN THE MOVIE
-- --- ----                             -- --- -----
The story is set in the 22nd            The story is set in the 23rd
century (the year 2116).                century (the year 2274).

At the end of the 20th century, a       Some time between now and the 23rd
war called the "Little War" broke out   century, "war, overpopulation, and
which resulted in the overthrow of      pollution" force their survivors to
older people.  As a result, all over    live in a self-contained domed city.
the Earth, no one is allowed to live    The city is a hedonistic paradise
past the age of 21.                     marred only by the fact that all of
                                        its inhabitants, for reasons never
                                        explained, must end their lives at
                                        age 30.

Your age is measured by a flowerlike    Your age is measured by a crystal
crystal in your right palm, which is    in your left palm called a "life
yellow from age 0-6, blue from age      clock", which is clear white from 0-8,
7-13, red from age 14-20, blinks        turns yellow at 9, turns blue-green at
between red and black the day before    16, turns red somewhere in the 21-24
you turn 21, and turns black when       range (they can't seem to make up their
you reach 21.                           minds), and blinks with a red light
                                        from just before age 30 and onward.

The flower crystal is implanted in      No explanation was given as to how
the right palm shortly after birth      the lifeclock got stuck in one's
by giant automated hourglasses.         left palm.

The 21-year age limit covers the        The 30-year age limit only covers
whole planet.  There is no place you    The City.  The lifeclocks of those
can go to escape from the message in    who venture outside turn off and
your right palm.                        revert to being clear white.

To enforce the age limit, those who     To enforce the age limit, those who
turn themselves in for Deep Sleep on    turn themselves in on lastday are
lastday are put to death painlessly,    allowed to participate in "carousel"
while those who run are hunted down     which carries a vague promise of
by the Deep Sleep (DS) men and killed   renewal through reincarnation, while
with a horrendously painful weapon      those who run are hunted down and
called a "homer" which homes in on      killed by the Sandmen.
body heat and ignites every pain nerve
in its target.

The under-21-year-old citizens of the   The City is apparently run by a
world are governed by a slowly          great big computer that speaks with
failing computer called The Thinker,    a feminine voice.
centered in the Dakota mountains.

The DS men are sometimes called         The Sandmen have no other name.

The hero of our story is a DS man       The hero of our story is a Sandman
named Logan 3 who is on lastday.        named Logan 5 who is 26 years old
                                        (4 years before he must end his life).

In hunting down a runner named Doyle    Upon terminating an unnamed runner,
10, Logan 3 hears him mutter "sanctu-   Logan 5 discovers an ankh in his
ary", and decides to make his mark on   pocket.  Upon seeing this, the city's
history by finding this sanctuary       central computer tells Logan that
place and killing all the runners.      there are 1056 unaccounted runners and
                                        that both ankhs and "sanctuary" have
                                        been identified with them.  She orders
                                        Logan to become a runner to find this
                                        sanctuary and terminate all runners
                                        there, and to do this she reprograms
                                        his lifeclock to blink as though he's
                                        30.  (During this exchange, Logan
                                        comes to the conclusion that renewal
                                        is a hoax because the computer refuses
                                        to answer his questions and cops an

Logan 3 seeks out Doyle 10's sister     Logan 5 seeks out Jessica 6 (whom he
Jessica 6, and pretends to be Doyle     has seen wearing an ankh) and tries
after fast-healing plastic surgery.     to convince her that he wants to run.
                                        The runner he terminated earlier is
                                        apparently not related to Jessica 6.

After figuring out that Logan 3 isn't   Logan 5 and Jessica 6 break out of
her brother on lastday, Jessica 6 has   the city and run around outside until
a wild romp around 22nd century Earth   they find the ruins of Washington DC,
with him, which culminates in their     where they meet a lovable old man with
meeting Ballard, a man of the unthink-  a fondness for cats (and T.S. Eliot)
ably advanced age of 42.                played by Peter Ustinov.

In the end, Logan 3 decides that dying  Logan 5 meets up with his old Sandman
at age 21 is a bad thing, encounters    buddy Francis 7, who refuses to
his old DS buddy Francis 7 and tries    believe the message the clear-white
to convince him not to homer him down,  crystal in his palm is telling him and
discovers that Francis 7 was Ballard    battles Logan to the death.  Logan
in disguise, and then he and Jessica    wins.  Logan decides that sanctuary is
6 board a rocket to go to Mars where    a myth and resolves to return to the
sanctuary is located, and they live     city and tell everyone to stop dying
happily ever after until the sequel,    at 30.  He's captured by Sandmen who
Logan's World, comes into print          bring him to the computer room for
a few years later.                      interrogation where, faced with six
                                        holographic duplicates of Michael
                                        York's head, the computer explodes
                                        and takes the city with it.  Everyone
                                        runs out of the city, sees the Old
                                        Man, is overawed at the prospect of
                                        living to be this old, and lives
                                        happily ever after.

The guns were called "guns".  They      The guns were never referred to by
were shaped like a revolver and         name.  They were shaped like a night-
carried one each of 6 different         stick and, when firing, looked like
bullets: homer (see above), tangler     a bunsen burner or blowtorch.  There
(sticky net), nitro, vapor, ripper,     were no "settings" — every gun blast
and needler -- all programmed to        resulted in a lethal but compact
to explode if anyone but the            explosion that looked suspiciously
registered owner tried to use them.     like a firecracker.

An inhalatory drug called "muscle"      The only reference to "muscle" was
acted as a super amphetamine, more      in the scene with the cubs at
than doubling your reaction speed but   Cathedral, and although they put
causing physiological danger.           drug "pads" (breathing mask looking
                                        things) over their own faces,
                                        and Billy for some reason put his
                                        mask over LOGAN'S face (presumably
                                        to induce a heart attack) — we never
                                        got to see what the effects of this
                                        "muscle" were.
William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson's original script for the movie was considerably closer to the book than the final product.  However, due to a hiatus in production and the replacement of producer George Pal with Saul David, a different script (by one David Zelag Goodman) was used for the movie instead.

John Obendorfer ( relates this anecdote:

"William F. Nolan came to San Diego State to give a lecture.  He told the most amazing story: the novel was written in a Howard Johnson's booth, where Nolan & Johnson holed up for 3 weeks.  Yes, they wrote the whole thing in three weeks (and it sorta reads like it ...)

It turns out that Nolan needed college tuition money for one of his kids, and I don't know what Johnson's motive was.  The hilarious part is that they collected the bucks they needed, then George Pal (Big Name SF Film Producer) got interested — one would almost say obsessed with — the idea of making a movie from the novel.  This would be in the mid-to-late 60s timeframe.  But by playing coy, Nolan & Johnson managed to parlay this 3-week hack novel-writing exercise into a ~$500K fee for the film rights.

Nolan went on to comment that Pal's first draft of the film script followed the novel pretty closely, and MGM rejected it, stating that it would cost $100M to build a 22nd century Los Angeles, Crazy Horse Mountain (a real place), Pittsburgh, Undersea City, and Cape Canaveral for the characters to run around through.  That's when they started getting interested in the 'domed city' approach.

He was somewhat disappointed that the movie lost what he regarded as the 'deep theme' of the novel — namely, that a youth-dominated culture would be shallow and fadlike, that it takes experience, wisdom, and age to sustain a genuine culture — the young can't impart the essence of the culture to those younger still.

And as to why Logan & Jessica were 26 and 22 in the movie — 'They cast Michael York & Jenny Agutter, and there was no way either of them could pass for 20.'  Somebody asked him about why the Francis/Ballard thing was dropped, and Nolan said 'Oh, yeah.  Sure.  Have Peter Ustinov rip off his make-up and turn into Richard Jordan.  Yeah, that would work real good.'  (He expressed some cyncism about the fact that the producers cast actors, then wrote the story around them, rather than the other way around.)"

6) What are the differences between the book and the TV series?

Since the TV series was based on the movie with NO input from the book, the differences are too numerous to mention.

7) So, what are the differences between the movie and the TV series, then?

IN THE MOVIE                            IN THE TV SERIES
-- --- -----                            -- --- -- ------
The theme music was an eerie blend of   The theme music sounded like the
orchestral and electronic sounds,       disco version of Princess Leia's
forged by the masterful Jerry           theme.

The story is set in the 23rd century    The story is set in the 24th century
(in the year 2274).                     (in the year 2319).

The City has no proper name -- it's     The City is referred to as The City
just referred to as "The City".         of Domes.

The lifeclock in your left palm tells   There are no lifeclocks.  The City
you when your 30 years are up by        of Domes just keeps really really
blinking red.                           good track of all of its citizens'
                                        birth records or something.

When you get near the top in the        When you get near the top in the
Carousel, you die by exploding.         Carousel, you die by turning into
                                        purple crystals and disappearing.

The guns had no name and only did       The guns were called "weapons" and
one kind of damage.                     had three settings: Stun, Blast,
                                        and Kill.  Settings were changed by
                                        twisting the back of the barrel.

The gray stripe across a Sandman's      Since many scenes were going to be
chest was actually the top of a         shot in the desert, the gray stripe
rather warm tunic.                      was sewn onto the rest of the costume
                                        with no tunic starting in episode 3-4.

Logan 5 is 26 years old, but the        Logan 5 is 27 years old.
city's Big Bad Central Computer
artificially advanced his lifeclock
to blink as though he were a runner.

Logan 5 is searching for Sanctuary      Logan 5 is searching for Sanctuary
because the city's Big Bad Central      because he doesn't believe in that
Computer gave him a mission to          whole "renewal" thing, despite being
find sanctuary and terminate all        brought up in Sandman Training from
the unaccounted runners.                his childhood.

After going through a long, harrowing   After pressing an ankh to the G in
experience escaping from The City,      the word DANGER on a sign, and
Logan and Jessica eventually team up    climbing up one whole flight of
with an old man on the outside who      stairs to escape from The City of
agrees to return to The City with       Domes, Logan and Jessica team up with
them.                                   an android named Rem and his faithful
                                        hovercraft, and they ride off into the
                                        sunset to have all sorts of wild and
                                        wacky adventures together.
NOTE: While many of these differences originated in a need to lower production costs, a few stemmed from the network's standards against TV violence.  For instance, the producers were only allowed to fire a gun in earnest one or two times per episode, but were allowed as many "stun" shots as they liked.
8) Was the movie really filmed in a shopping mall?

Yes, most of the scenes that took place in The City were filmed in the Dallas Market Center.  It had just about the right kind of glitzy ambience the producers wanted for a futuristic utopia, plus, you have to admit, there's a lot of parallels between and indoor shopping mall and a hermetically sealed city.

The Texas locations for the film were:

  1. The Dallas Market Center Apparel Mart. (this was the main section of Arcade, outside Carousel, and the plaza with the hand)
  2. The Oz Restaurant/Nightclub in Dallas. (The Love Shop)
  3. Zales International Headquarters, now owned by Mobil oil and completely refurbished. (Sandman Headquarters)
  4. Arlington Health Center. (Sandman gym)
  5. The Burton Park Building. (Living units)
  6. The Ft. Worth Water Gardens. (Hydro-galvanic power system)
  7. The World Trade Mart (various city concourses)

Owen Madden ( also says:

"I also understand the First National Bank Building was used, although I don't know where. It may be in the opening run that was cut from the final print of the film."

Darryl Lee ( adds:

"Over Christmas, i was riding one of those trams that runs between terminals at DFW, and a stewardess, er, i'm sorry, flight attendant told those of us riding along that they filmed parts of Logan's Run in the tunnels that the trams ran through.
It'd been years since i'd seen Logan's Run (and i don't think i ever saw the whole thing), so i couldn't confirm or deny for sure.  But they did have that "futuristic" kinda look to them."

9) Why was the movie so darned long?

Pah.  You think a 119 minute theatrical release qualifies as "long"? You should've seen how much they had to cut out to get it DOWN to two hours.

10) So, then, what scenes were cut?

A lot of the information I have in this department comes from an SF fan I met in Santa Monica when I was 10 years old, whose name was Barry Lasky.  I even bought some prop lifeclock crstals from this person and saw pictures of him firing a working model of the gun in the movie/series.  Barry, if you're reading this, please get in touch and tell me all the details I'm missing!

  1. At the very beginning of the movie, before the opening title sequence even starts, Francis 7 chases a male runner through the entire City.  He vaults over a balcony, fires in front of an excited crowd, and finally blasts the runner into a fountain.  He then calmly walks over to check the body's palm. Then the camera zooms in on the palm crystal of the runner which is black... this fades into the clear crystal of the infant, as seen in the opening shot of the released film. (This sequence was included in the Marvel Comics adaptation, and a few seconds of it appear in the trailer for the film. It was apparently cut after a test screening, not only to reduce the film's "running" time (rim-shot) but also to allow the film to open on a more "upbeat" note with Logan visiting Nursery.)
  2. The trailer for the film shows Logan's reflection as he walks past a highly concave mirror.  There is something that looks like a yellow tennis ball oscillating back and forth in the mirror.
  3. When Logan and Francis are first walking around together in Arcade, they run into a woman they both know.  Her lifeclock is blinking red and she is going up on the Carousel (or "The Big Spin" as she calls it) that Logan and Francis will attend a little bit later in the movie.  They are all very casual about the fact that her life will probably end soon.
  4. Finally, the trailer shows Logan and Jessica embracing in a passionate kiss from inside the ice cavern that Box inhabited.  This was a film rendition of the scene in the book where Box forced the two of them to pose naked so that he could make an ice sculpture out of them.
        John Obendorfer ( has this to say about that scene:
        "They actually did shoot a version of the novel scene where Box has Logan & Jessica pose nude, kissing, while Box quickly makes an ice sculpture.  It was deleted from the release for ratings reasons, presumably because it would result in an R-rating.  Film clips of this scene were a hot property among SF fans in '77-'78, and I saw several floating around at STAR-San Diego dealer tables.  I don't remember about Michael York, but Jenny Agutter definitely did a full-frontal nude shot.  Regretted not buying one ever since :-)"
Curt Wiederhoeft (CJW9505@Jetson.UH.EDU) adds the following:

"There's an article in the new Cinescape, in which a LOT of things are brought up. This is one of them. Apparently, they filmed Jenny Agutter peeling off her clothes SEVERAL times. She claims that this 'knickers reel' floated around Hollywood for a while.

In the original [Nolan & Johnson] script, there was no 'Carousel.' Folks on lastday went into a Sleepshop, as in the novel.  A [test] scene of this was filmed, but when the movie hit a huge production delay (and appeared dead), the Sleepshop scene was appropriated by the director of Soylent Green for (SPOILER for Soylent Green coming...) Edward G. Robinson's death scene. When production on LR cranked up again, the Carousel element was added (thus supporting your note of the crowd scene for one termination.)

The article also makes the following claim:

William F. Nolan is currently working on a script for a re-make. He says that special effects have finally caught up to his original vision. He mentioned the devilsticks specifically, but I imagine that he'll also be able to superimpose a completed Crazy Horse on top of what's actually out there in the Black Hills."

11) What mistakes were made in the movie?
12) Where else have I seen Michael York?
>From Microsoft's Cinemania '94:

Michael York (1942 -     )
Occupation: Actor
Birth Name: Michael York-Johnson
Born: March 27, 1942, Fulmer, Buckinghamshire, England
Education: National Youth Theatre; University College, Oxford (English)

Handsome blond lead who made his London stage debut in Franco Zeffirelli's
stage production of Much Ado About Nothing in 1965 and his film debut in
the same director's opulent adaptation of The Taming of the Shrew (1967).
York has typically played charming, well-bred characters, such as the 
struggling, sexually confused writer opposite Liza Minnelli in Cabaret
(1972) and the dashing D'Artagnan in The Three Musketeers (1974) and
its sequels. York played himself in Billy Wilder's Fedora (1978). 

1967    The Taming of the Shrew
1968    Romeo and Juliet
1969    Alfred the Great
1969    The Guru
1969    Justine
1970    Something for Everyone
1971    La Poudre d'escampette
1971    Zeppelin
1972    Cabaret
1973    England Made Me
1973    Lost Horizon
1974    Murder on the Orient Express
1974    The Three Musketeers
1975    Conduct Unbecoming
1975    The Four Musketeers
1976    Logan's Run
1976    Seven Nights in Japan
1977    The Island of Dr. Moreau
1977    The Last Remake of Beau Geste
1978    Fedora
1979    The Riddle of the Sands, associate producer*
1980    Final Assignment
1983    Au nom de tous les Miens
1983    The Weather in the Streets
1984    Success Is the Best Revenge
1986    L'Aube
1987    Der Joker
1988    Phantom of Death
1989    Midnight Cop
1989    The Return of the Musketeers
1990    Come See The Paradise
1990    Night of the Fox
1991    Eline Vere
1992    The Long Shadow
1993    Wide Sargasso Sea

*) Jenny Agutter appeared with him again in this movie
He recently starred as an evil general in some USA network movie of the week. For more up-to-date information, consult the
Internet Movie Database.
13) Where else have I seen Richard Jordan?
>From Microsoft's Cinemania '94:

Richard Jordan (1938 - 1993)
Occupation: Actor
Born: July 19, 1938, New York, NY
Education: Harvard 

Former veteran of Joseph Papp's New York Shakespeare Festival who began 
making regular screen appearances in both lead and supporting roles in
the 1970s. Divorced from actress Blair Brown.   

1964    Ready For the People
1971    Lawman
1971    Valdez Is Coming
1972    Chato's Land
1973    The Friends of Eddie Coyle
1973    Kamouraska
1975    Rooster Cogburn
1975    The Yakuza/Brotherhood of the Yakuza
1976    Logan's Run
1976    One Night Stand
1978    Interiors
1979    Old Boyfriends
1980    Raise the Titanic!
1984    Dune  [he played Duncan Idaho]
1984    A Flash of Green, producer, script consultant
1985    The Mean Season
1986    The Men's Club
1986    Solarbabies
1987    The Secret of My Success
1989    Romero
1990    Delusion
1990    The Hunt for Red October
1991    Shout
1991    Time Bomb
1992    Heaven Is a Playground
1992    Primary Motive
1993    Posse
Richard Jordan won a Golden Globe award in 1977 for his starring role in The Captain and the Kings, and was a regular on The Equalizer during its 1977 season.  After appearing in Gettysburg, he fell ill during the filming of The Fugitive and had to be replaced.  He died of a brain tumor on August 30, 1993.

And, no, his last words were not "Logan, you're renewed!".

14) Where else have I seen Jenny Agutter?
>From Microsoft's Cinemania '94:

Jenny Agutter (1952 -     )
Occupation: Actress
Born: December 20, 1952, Taunton, England 

Talented, atypically beautiful teenage lead who made a smooth transition
to adult roles.  

1966    East of Sudan  (as Asua)
1966    A Man Could Get Killed
1967    Gates to Paradise  (as Maud)
1968    Star!  (cut & retitled Those Were The Happy Times)
1969    I Start Counting  (as Wynne)
1971    Walkabout  (as Girl)
1972    The Railway Children  (as Bobbie)
1976    Logan's Run
1977    The Eagle Has Landed  (as Molly Prior)
1977    Equus  (as Jill Mason)
1978    China 9, Liberty 37/The Gunfighter/Clayton and Catherine/Gunfire
1978    Dominique/Dominique Is Dead/Avenging Spirit  (as Miss Maynard)
1979    The Riddle of the Sands  (as Clara Dollman, with Michael York)
1980    Sweet William  (as Ann)
1981    An American Werewolf in London  (as Alex Price)
1981    Amy
1981    The Survivor  (as Hobbs)
1985    Silas Marner  (as Miss Nancy Lammeter)
1985    Secret Places  (as Miss Lowrie)
1987    Dark Tower  (as Carolyn Page, architect)
1987    Amazon Women on the Moon  (as Cleopatra)
1990    King of the Wind
1990    Child's Play 2  (as Joanne Simpson)
1990    Darkman  (as doctor/nurse)
1990    King of the Wind
1992    Freddie as F.R.O.7 (voice)

A War of Children (1972-TVM)
The Man In The Iron Mask (1977-TVM) as Louise de la Valliere
Mayflower: The Pilgrims' Adventure (1979-TVM) as Priscilla Mullens
Beulah Land (1980-TVM) as Lizzie Corlay
Not A Penny More, Not A Penny Less (1990-TVM)
Dream On: No Deposit, No Return (1992-Cable) as Ellen
She was also in an episode of the New Twilight Zone series allegedly based on Clarke's "The Star" (about as much as the Nightfall movie was based on Asimov's "Nightfall"), an episode of the British space comedy series Red Dwarf, and an episode of The Six Million Dollar Man
Other TV appearances:
Hallmark Hall of Fame "The Snow Goose" '71 (she won an Emmy for this)
Magnum P.I. "Little Games" as Miss Delarosche(sp?) '85
Murder She Wrote "One White Rose for Death"'86
Twilight Zone "The Last Defender of Camelot" '86
The Equalizer "The Visitation" '89
Dear John "The British Are Coming" '89;
According to at least one viewer, she is every bit as visually ravishing now as she was when Logan's Run (the movie) was filmed in 1976.  For more up-to-date information, consult the
Internet Movie Database.
15) The music in the movie sure sounded great!

That's not really a question, but I'll answer it anyway 'cause I'm in a good mood.

The soundtrack to the Logan's Run movie was scored by Jerry Goldsmith.  He is one of the major film composers in the country.  Among his works include the music for Star Trek: The Motion Picture (the main title theme music of which was re-used as the opening title theme of Star Trek: The Next Generation).  I'm sure the Internet Movie Database has his whole filmography.

The soundtrack was released on LP in the late 1970s.  The LP went out-of-print many years ago, but I (heh heh) happen to have a copy. The soundtrack was later re-released on CD.

The only flaw to mar this otherwise blemishless soundtrack album is one track at the very end of Side Two, called "The Love Theme from Logan's Run."  Although based on Jerry Goldsmith's actual love theme from the movie soundtrack, Jerry Goldsmith did not do the arrangement this track.  It was written by Jimmie Haskell, one of the many obscure hacks out there who take a thing of beauty and crumple it up into ... Elevator Music.  Oh, the horror.

16) Are there any trinkets or memorabilia surrounding the movie?

Abso-diddly-lutely, neighbor!  There were supposedly some non-working models of the guns for sale at SF conventions, made of metal and heavy enough to pass for the real thing, which sold for $150.  I've personally seen a reflective green "official sandman" badge, and all four colors of the lifeclock crystals (I bought all 4, but now all but the yellow one have been lost or broken).  Incidentally, the lifeclocks were a mould-cast piece of transparent colored plastic with some aluminum foil stuck on the back to reflect light through the plastic — you were supposed to stick them to your left palm with spirit gum.

Of the lifeclock crystals I bought from Barry Lasky in 1976, here is the only one I have that has survived to this day:

Logan's Run lifeclock crystal, yellow, on palm Logan's Run lifeclock crystal, yellow, from an angle Logan's Run lifeclock crystal, yellow, closeup

Note that, while many fans have cast and made their own replicas of these lifeclocks over the years, the ones I bought in 1976 (including the one pictured above) were from the original props made for the movie.  (As far as I know.)  The filmmakers had to supply these props for every extra that might have his or her left hand in a shot, and thus had to make a lot of them.

Marco Enterprises made reproductions of both the gun (non-working, I believe) and the transceiver that the Sandmen talked to their HQ with.  Anubis Productions made a model of Logan 5 in costume firing his flamegun.  And, of course, many stills are floating around.

Andrew R. Burford ( also says he owns a Logan's Run Annual based on the TV series, and featuring a mix of illustrated text stories, comic strip adventures, a few pictures from the TV series, and the usual puzzles.  He picked up one of these several years ago now, and it's currently as inaccessible as everything else he owns right now.

Bill Blake recently restored the Logan's Run Maze cars form the movie.  He also made a parody movie called Logan's Romp (or something like that).  He has a working flamegun from the movie, and took it apart and figured out exactly how it works. says that Starland probably has scripts and/or videos from the TV series.  (Starland's address is usually advertised in Starlog.)  He also indicates that working flame guns are occasionally sold at conventions.

According to (John), the city model used in the movie was re-used briefly in The Ice Pirates (1984).  Since Ice Pirates was produced by MGM, this isn't terribly surprising.

17) Will you show me the episode guide for the TV series?

The TV series aired in the U.S. from September 16, 1977 to January 16, 1978.  For the longest part of its run, it was on Mondays from 8 pm until 9 pm.  It was an MGM TV Production for CBS, was produced by Ben Roberts and Ivan Goff with Leonard Katzman as Executive Producer, D.C. Fontana was the story editor, and some of the writers included Fontana, Saul David, and Harlan Ellison.  (Saul David was originally slated to produce the series, but, in a move no less astounding than the release of "New Coke", the studio let him go and replaced him with a team that knew a whole lot about television but nothing about science fiction.)

There was one 75-minute pilot (written by William F. Nolan and Saul David and expanded upon by Leonard Katzman) and 13 50-minute episodes total.  The last three episodes (Turnabout, Night Visitors, and Stargate) were not shown in many areas including most of California.  TNT currently holds the rights to Logan's Run the TV Series and in 1994 they ran them to death (no pun intended).  They still pop up in Early Sat morning/late Friday night spots.

Most of the information in this section comes from the episode guide in Starlog issue #13, (Rick Hallock), and (Phil Satterly).


    Premise: Logan and Jessica run from the City of Domes, where the society controls population growth by killing adults at a certain age. After leaving the city they search for "Sanctuary", a place where they will be safe and happy, but they are pursued by Sandmen determined to capture or kill them and return them.

#1 PILOT MOVIE (airdate: Sept 16, 1977) — Jessica and Logan live in the City of Domes, a place where everyone goes through a "renewal" process when they are thirty, supposedly moving on to another world.  In actuality they are being killed to keep the population down, and "Sandmen" such as Logan and Francis hunt down "runners" - people who believe that a world exists outside their domed world, in a place known as Sanctuary.  The Sandmen have been indoctrinated not to believe in Sanctuary, and they brutally kill anyone caught running.  However, Jessica convinces Logan that Sanctuary does exist, and he runs with her.  His best friend, Francis, cannot understand why they are escaping from the City of Domes, and he and several other Sandmen pursue Logan and Jessica.
    The two escape in a hovercraft to a mountain city, where they meet two robots and are imprisoned by them so that the robots will have someone to serve.  While there, they meet the human-appearing android named Rem, who saves them and escapes with them from the city, becoming their friend and travelling partner.
    Guest cast: Keene Curtis, Lina Ramond, Ran Hajek, J. Gary Dontzig, Anthony de Longis.  Writers: William F. Nolan, Saul David, Leonard Katzman.  Director: Robert Day.
    This pilot was originaly shot as an hour pilot.  Then they decided to do some re-wites and added all the sequences of the "Council of Elders" to explain why Francis would want to march all over the outside looking for Logan (they promised him a seat on the council, meaning he wouldn't have to die at 30).  Total running time: 75 minutes.

#2 The Collectors (airdate: Sept. 23, 1977) — After their hovercraft breaks down, Jessica and Logan go in search of water.  The two meed a girl who claims they have found Sanctuary.  Actually, they have found a group of aliens picking up life samples from Earth, and are made prisoners. Rem, being an android, is not subject to the illusions that the aliens use to trap their prey, and sees them for what they are.  Eventually Logan and Jessica figure out that they are being fooled, and they an Rem must devise a plan to escape.
    Guest cast: Linden Childs, Leslie Parrish, Angela Cartwright (Penny on Lost in Space), Lawrence Casey.  Writer: James Schnerer.  Director: Alexander Singer.

#3 Capture (airdate: Sept. 30, 1977) — Francis captures Logan, but before he can return the runner to the City of Domes they are both taken prisoner by a professional hunter.  The hunter, James Borden, has grown tired of hunting animals, and now specializes in killing Runners.  (Can you say "The Most Dangerous Game"? I thought you could.) Borden is especially excited over the hunt of two highly-trained Sandmen, but during the hunt he accudentally shoots and kills his wife.  Now his hunt for the Sandmen is no longer a sport, but one of revenge.
    Guest cast: Horst Bucholz, Mary Woronov (who also appeared in Eating Raoul and a few episodes of Amazing Stories), and Stan Stratton. Writer: Micheal Edwards.  Director: Irving J. Moore.

#4 The Innocent (airdate: Oct. 10, 1977) — Jessica, Logan, and Rem are being pursued by Francis and his men, but they escape after passing through a minefield to a strange bunker-like building.  The structure, run by computers, is the home of a lovely but strange young woman, who has never been outside of the structure.  Two robots are the girl's only companions, and after meeting Logan she quickly falls in love, never having had a male companion before.  Logan is put in a precarious position: if he spurns her advances they must face the Sandmen outside; if he wishes to stay he must become her companion and probably have to do all sorts of icky mushy things with her.  Meanwhile, the girl decides that Jessica is in competition for Logan's affections and she must be killed.
    Guest cast: Lisa Eibacher, Low Richards, Barney McFadden, Brian Kerwin, Gene Tyburn (playing a nifty robot called "Friend").  Writers: Ray Brenner, D.C. Fontana.  Director: Michael Preece.

#5 Man Out Of Time (airdate: Oct. 17, 1977) — Logan, Jessica, and Rem finally find a place called Sanctuary.  But they quickly find that it's not the place they have been seeking, and is only a community of people who worship science as a weird religious cult.  They meet a man from the past named David Eakins, who is a scientist and a time traveller.  He has travelled into the future, and finding a post-holocaust world, he studies to find out what has caused the nuclear war and must stop it in his time before billions of people are killed.  Ultimately, Eakins finds that it was his time-travel device that coused the war in the first place.
    Guest cast: Paul Shenar, Mel Ferrer, Woodrow Chamliss, Gene Tyburn, Hank Brandt, Betty Bridges.  Writer: Noah Ward.  Director: Nicholas Colastino.
    This is probably the best episode of the TV series.  The original script was written by David Gerold (best known as the creator of tribbles on Star Trek) who hated the final version and used his pen name Noah A. Ward ('No Award', get it?).  David did an article about the problems of writing for TV in Starlog (somewhere between issues #10-17 inclusive) which had some pictures of him with Logan pointing a Weapon at him and asking him how old he was, and him pointing out a part in his script to Jessica.  These pictures were not on the sets that appear in "Man Out Of Time."  In his column he mentioned that "The concept for the book was stupid."  (He also mentioned that he had never read the book.)  Willian F. Nolan has a letter in issue #14 of Starlog responding to this comment.

#6 Half Life (airdate: Oct. 31, 1977) — The three travellers are attacked by vicious people known as the Castouts, but are rescued by other people known as Positives.  Logan, Jessica, and Rem discover that the local populace has been the subject of experiments that divide humans into positive and negative duplicates (a la Star Trek's "The Enemy Within"), with the peaceful Positives living in the city, and the hostile Castouts ruling the countryside. Jessica is subjected to the process so that she too has negative and positive halves, and her Castout double is sent out into the countryside.  With no other alternatives available, Rem and Logan convince the Castouts to help them attack and capture the city so that their twin halves can be restored into normal people again, starting with Jessica.
    Guest cast: William Smith, Len Birman, Kim Cattrall, Jeanne Sorel, Betty Jinette, John Gowans.  Writer: Simon Wincelberg.  Director: Steven Stern.

#7 The Crypt (airdate: Nov. 7, 1977) — Logan, Jessica, and Rem find six survivors from the past, each one frozen in cryogenic units.  After reviving them, the travellers find that all six have been picked because of their abilities or talents that would be needed in rebuilding a post-holocaust world.  But they also find out that the six are suffering from a disease that can only be stopped by immediate injections.  But during a series of earth tremors hitting the area, one of the two vials of serum is destroyed by a fall, and now only enough antidote is left for three people.  Logan and his friends must decide which three are to survive - a task made all the more difficult when they find out that one of the six may be an impostor and murderer.
    Guest cast: Christopher Stone, Ellen Weston, Soon-Teck Oh, Neva Patterson, Liam Sullivan, Adrienne Larussa, Peggy McCay, Richard Roat. Writers: Al Hayes, Harlan Ellison.  Director: Michael Caffey.
    Was co-written by Harlan Ellison, and he hated the finished product even more than David Gerold hated his.  (Harlan also wrote for a bunch of other TV shows under the name Cordwainer Bird, such as an episode of the Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea TV show's first season.)

#8 Fear Factor (airdate: Nov. 14, 1977) — The trio become imprisoned in a force field surrounding their hovercar, and are taken to the laboratory of two scientists.  They become subjects of strange experiments which drain emotions from people, in order to produce a docile race of humans.
    Guest cast: Ed Nelson, Jared Martin (from Fantastic Journey and War of the Worlds).  Writer: John Sherlock.  Director: Gerald Mayer.

#9 The Judas Goat (airdate: Dec. 19, 1977) — The City of Domes council has still been unable to catch Logan and Jessica through Francis, so they send out another Sandman who poses as a runner.  The runner, Hal 14, tries to convince them to return to the City of Domes and talk other citizens into running.  Before this can happen, the whole party is captured by a "Provider" wishing to serve their needs, and providing happiness through electronic means.  Rem manages to free them, and they set out for the City of Domes - and a trap.
    Guest cast: Nicholas Hammond (Peter Parker on the Spider-Man TV series), Lance LeGault (in Airwolf), Wright King, Spencer Milligen (Dad on Land Of The Lost), and Morgan Woodward.  Writer: John Meredyth Lucas.  Director: Paul Krasny.

#10 Futurepast (airdate: Jan. 2, 1978) — The travellers continue to look for Sanctuary, and come across a beautiful white-domed building.  It is the home of a lovely woman named Ariana who, strangely enough, sparks whenever Rem comes near.  Logan, Jessica, and Rem finally figure out that she is an android, and she becomes romantically involved with Rem (who expresses his subconscious passion by having short-circuits in his shoulder).  Jessica and Logan face double jeopardy when Ariana hooks them up to a dream analysis machine - not realizing that the equipment can easily kill them both - and Francis arrives to capture them both before Rem can free his friends.
    Guest cast: Mariette Hartley as Ariana, Michael Sullivan, Janis Jamison. Writer: Kathryn Michaelin Powers.  Director: Michail O'Herlihy.

#11 Carousel (airdate: Jan 16, 1978) — The City of Domes finally gets Logan back after he is shot with a memory-erasing projectile that causes him to forget his life as a runner.  Unable to remember how he got outside the city, he returns to the city as a Sandman once again.  Logan faces the prospect of death through renewal, but Jessica and Rem break into the city with the hopes of convincing Logan to run again.  (While in the city, all the sanctuary seekers marvel at the "old" features of Rem.)
    Guest cast: Rosanne Katon, Ross Bickell, Wright King, Morgan Woodward, Melody Anderson, Regis J. Cordic, Gary Swanson.  Writers: D.C. Fontana, Richard L. Bree Jr.  Director: Irving J. Moore.

#12 Night Visitors (airdate: Jan. 23, 1978) — A strange "haunted" house is found by the travellers, but it is actually the residence of some unusual beings that can transport themselves from a spirit-like world to a more earthly one.  One of the beings, Gavin, decides that he needs the permanent use of Jessica's body in order to transport his bride from their spirit world, and satanic-like mass is set up to sacrifice her.  Meanwhile, Logan and Rem are held captive elsewhere, but Rem believes he can battle the spirits with their own methods.
    Guest cast: George Maharis, Barbara Babcock, and Paul Mantee.  Writer: Leonard Katzman.  Director: Paul Krasny.
    This is one of the only episodes where Logan and Jessica were allowed to express anything resembling emotions towards each other.

#13 Turnabout (airdate: Jan. 30, 1978) — Logan and his friends are imprisoned in a colony populated by desert horsemen, and are sentenced to death before they can tell the population about the outside world.  Francis and his men arrive, and because they are policemen, they are promised the bodies of the three after their execution.  This is unacceptable to Francis, as his assignment is to bring back a live Logan and Jessica to set an example for other would-be runners.  He secretly devises a plan to save the trio, but he is caught and sentenced to death also.  It is now up to Logan to save them all - including Francis - by defending them in a rather interesting trial.
    Guest cast: Nehemiah Persoff, Gerald McRaney, Harry Rhodes, Victoria Racimo, John Furey, Anita Minotto.  Writers: Michael Michaelian, Al Hayes. Director: Paul Krasney.

#14 Stargate (airdate: Feb. 6, 1978) — Logan and Jessica come across a strange man who seems to be freezing, although it is a perfectly warm day. They help him get warm, and discover that he is actually an alien from a very hot planet who finds our temperatures too cold for comfort.  His friends, all heavily dressed despite the hot weather, capture the three travellers and dismantle Rem for parts they need on their space ship.  Logan and Jessica must free themselves, and Rem, then face the task of reassembling Rem.
    Guest cast: Eddie Firestone, Paul Carr, Darrell Fetty, Ian Tanza. Writer: Dennis O'Neil.  Director: Curtis Harrington.
    This is the last episode of the series, and is actually pretty good as episode of the show go.  The aliens are invading, again.  These aliens are having a hard time adapting to our cool climate.  Also has a nifty indoor swamp/bog scene and, of course, some melting aliens.  Rem also gets taken apart!

Production credits:
Executive producers: Ivan Goff, Ben Roberts
Producer: Leonard Katzman Story editor: D.C. Fontana
Production designer: Mort Rabinowitz

Regular cast:
Logan 5 - Gregory Harrison
Jessica 6 - Heather Menzies (who, in the 1960s, played little Louisa von Trapp in The Sound of Music, and later married Robert "Dan Tanner" Urich)
Rem - Donald Moffat
Francis 7 - Randy Powell (later changed his name to Randolph Powell and, after appearing on Dallas and Spiderman, apparently vanished off the face of the Earth)

William F. Nolan himself adds the following:

"The character of Rem the android was mine. Also: the adventure in the city of domes was entirely mine. Much else was changed and I was not happy with the final result. When they asked me what I wanted to do on the series itself, I decided to walk. Because of the basic TV framework (Logan has to solve the problems of a new community each week), I knew the series was doomed."

17.5) How do I get copipes of the TV series episodes?

Until 2012, I had no idea.  I got many requests asking where one could find video tapes of the TV series, but no one in the know ever volunteered any such information to me.  In fact, the only way to get tapes of the series was probably to convince someone to make illegal bootleg copies of the series that (s)he taped off of TV.  In fact, I didn't even know who had the rights to air the episodes of the TV series, or when they would be showing.

As of 10-April-2012, however, the entire series is available in an official 3-disc DVD release.  Look for ASIN B006MFQ4OS.

18) So, tell me about this first comic book series.

Andrew R. Burford ( has this to say:

"In 1976/7, Marvel Comics adapted the movie in comic-book form, but went beyond the end of the movie.  In time-honoured fashion, the comic book series ended with a plotline which was never resolved owing to its cancellation. The Marvel Comics run lasted for seven issues.
    The end of issue seven left Logan somewhere beneath or inside the city, with a mysterious shadowy figure aware of his presence and presumably preparing to act against him.  Who this figure was is unknown, as far as I'm aware, to this day."
Curt Wiederhoeft (CJW9505@Jetson.UH.EDU) says the following:
"In issue #7 of the Marvel comic (post-film), Logan sneaks back into Sandman headquarters to retrieve the gun which he was supposed to have turned in shortly after graduating from the Academy.  The charges here were (in correlation to those in the novel), web, drill, rip, flash, cloud and seeker.
    Also, Marvel issue #6 is becoming very expensive at the comic shops.  Not because of a resurgence in Logan's popularity, but because there's a backup story featuring Thanos, a Marvel villian with a cult following."

19) Were/are there any Logan's Run fan clubs? (Rick Hallock) says the following:

"I looked at the FAQ this morning and had some comments to make.  I was the newsletter editor of the United Sandmen (the other LR fan club) from 1982-86 and we are currently putting together another issue of Sandman Sentinel (#11) which should be out in the fall.  The Logan's Run Organizations of Fans was the the other major LR club but it folded before the third novel came out..."

20) What's in the Logan's Run Special Edition laserdisc?

The good news is:

The laserdisc has been digitally remastered, improving the picture quality over the earlier MGM/UA Widescreen edition.  The sound is "Dolby Digital" (formerly known as AC-3), which gives you 5-channel surround sound with an extra "partial channel" for the subwoofer.  The one remaining Analog sound channel contains a running commentary by Michael York, director Michael Anderson, and costume designer Bill Thomas.  They've added some theatrical trailers that didn't appear in the earlier Widescreen edition, plus a 5-to-7-minute "making of" segment filmed during the filming of the movie.  There are stills of some early costume sketches, close-up shots of the lifeclock props (in all 4 colors), and even some short video clips showing the flamegun and transceiver from just about every angle.

The bad news is:

The "deleted scenes" section of the laserdisc does not actually contain footage of the deleted scenes.  It contains complete script out-takes for the scenes, and some stills from the cut footage, but that's it.

21) What's all this fuss I hear about a remake of the movie?

In the liner notes to the Logan's Run Special Edition laserdisc, William F. Nolan himself says the following:

"Very recently, I made a deal with Warner Bros. involving my two sequel novels and any other Logan material I might write.  A high-tech, high-budget remake of Logan's Run is on the horizon."

In August 1997, the plan seemed to be to bring the mandatory-death age back to 21 (as in the novel), get Leonardo DiCaprio (of Romeo & Juliet fame) to play Logan, replace the Carousel with "something different", replace the New You sequence with a Fire Gallery scene from the novel, and put in the flying DevilBird bikes.

In May 2000, I received a letter from William F. Nolan himself (gloat, gloat), which read in part:

"Warner Bros. has a writer/director and is now in official pre-production on LOGAN'S RUN.  (Another 1 1/2 to 2 yrs. should see it in theaters.)"
Even if this remake ends up suffering from the same Hollywoodism that transformed the 1976 movie, it will be a very different film from its predecessor.
22) All right, where are the other Logan's Run web pages?

New as of May 2000: William F. Nolan, the co-author of the original Logan's Run novel, has his own website at hosts Logan's Run - The Website full of pictures, sounds, and links.

Jesse Braxton has rules for runs, which are runner/sandman hide-and-seek-like games that were played at SF conventions.

David Murray ( has a web page with lots of screen shots from the movie.

Ken Sanes has an exhaustive analysis of the movie from just about every angle: sociological, mythological, psychological, and, yes, even Marxist.  Be warned, though: he's not a very big fan of the book.

"Virtual Vikki" ( has a Logan's Run webpage too, which has been updated quite a bit since it first debuted in 1996.  It even includes a (presumably bootleg) audio recording of the uncut Logan's Run movie premiere, which includes audio of scenes deleted from the final cut of the movie and then lost.

Steven Grimes ( scanned an entire "final" shooting script of the movie onto his old webpage at  NOTE: This webpage is now defunct, but a copy of the script can be found here.  Several changes were made in the final film, including not only the cut scenes mentioned earlier in this FAQ but also some dialog re-work.  The script helps to clarify some otherwise obscure issues in the movie, such as the role of black (rather than blinking) lifeclocks and what the floating gymnasts were supposed to be doing while on Carousel.

The "Stomp Tokyo Review", so named for its love of Godzilla, has a review of the movie from the standpoint of someone who might be browsing through a video store looking for cheap thrills.

"Coming Attractions" has a page devoted to the upcoming movie remake and the rumors people have heard about it.

The World of Logan's Run (formerly called The Fraternal Order of Sandmen) is devoted to those brave enforcers of law and order throughout the City.  It also discusses the 4th book in Nolan's Logan trilogy [sic], Logan's Return.

Darren Lierkamp has a Logan's Run Tour series of webpages, complete with computer-generated images of various scenes in the City that tell the story of the movie.  (Note: The URL of this link was changed on 15-June-2001.)

23) Surely there are more Frequently Asked Questions than just these?

I'm certain there are, and stop calling me surely! (rimshot) But seriously, folks, as you have probably guessed, this is an FAQ that is still under construction and has a LOOOOONG way to go.  Any information about the book, the movie, the TV series, the comic serieses, or especially the currently-planned remake that you can send me would be an improvement over what I have now.  In fact, your comments will not only be WELCOME, but I will personally respond to every Logan's Run related tidbit you e-mail me by sending back a cheap (really cheap) ASCII art picture of one of the guns they used in the movie/series! So, send your comments, suggestions, criticisms, first born daughters, etc., to:

And while you're at it, why not visit my homepage.  It's got a back-link on it to this Highly Unofficial FAQ, and many many other examples of my, ahem, creativity.

... I'll be waitin' for ya!